Klagsbrun’s body of work brings together drawings on vellum, large canvases, and three-dimensional wall hangings and sculptural pieces.
“Populated by hybrid forms—natural and human, animate and inanimate— her works are created through the interplay of lines, colors and textures. Permeated with light, they are weightless and evanescent exploring the notion of transformation, thematically and formally…
By staining, pouring, and splashing inks on canvases and vellum sheets, on the one hand, and layering and folding papers into three-dimensional, organic shapes on the other, Klagsbrun arrived at a new vocabulary where the bodies are almost completely distilled in fluid and translucent surfaces.” (Vesela Sretenovic, Senior Curator, Phillips Collection, 2016)
Micheline Klagsbrun studied in Paris with Alfredo Echeverria and at the Corcoran with Gene Davis and Bill Newman. She has exhibited widely, and is in private collections nationally as well as in Europe and the Middle East.

Tito Pieczanski

I can see myself sitting on the roof of my house looking at passers-by.
Being a flaneur has always been one of my favorite activities. My other passion was music. My sense of beauty is informed by those early experiences. So, when many decades ago a Kodak Brownie entered my life it sealed the deal; I wanted to "look" into the heart of those anonymous, humble, and brave musicians that could give a generous gift of beauty to total strangers.
Over the years street musicians and a curiosity about their experience while playing became the core of my photography.
I hope my pictures honor the very humble, courageous, and brave act of unpacking an instrument and starting to play on a street corner.
The Tuesday Night Group
The TNG is a fluctuating group of 10-20 members who meet every Tuesday Night to draw and paint from life. We represent a diverse range of styles and media. Selected work will is always on view.

In December 2022, the Tuesday Night group celebrated 38 years of meeting to make art, drink wine and share stories.
The boundaries of the group are flexible: members move away, spend a few years elsewhere, then often find themselves returning, knowing that, however far they have traveled and however many years they have been away, they will still find the group drawing and painting together
every Tuesday night.
In March 2020, with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, TNG moved to a weekly Zoom format, and began to draw inspiration from a range of themes, and from art of many different cultures and eras. We experimented with media from video to collage to sculpture to staged photography.
We grew and flourished as we discovered our own voices, and re-discovered our far-flung members who could now join us virtually.
We now alternate our in-person and Zoom meetings, enabling our Zoom community to continue.
A Flexible List of Members
- Ellie Blank
- Emmanuel Holder
- Irene Pantelis
- Jacob Perkinson
- James Thomas
- Jayalakshmi Viswanathan
- Joe Carpenter
- Johnny Dukovich
- Kieva Farhi
- Marc Allen
- Marilyn Dillihaye
- Marina Petrovic
- Mary Jo Lombardo